Displaying Maps

OpenStreetMap.jl includes a single plotting function. This function has numerous options, allowing a great deal of flexibility when displaying maps:

function plotMap(nodes;
                 highway_style::Style = Style(0x007CFF, 1.5, "-"),
                 building_style::Style = Style(0x000000, 1, "-"),
                 feature_style = Style(0xCC0000, 2.5, "."),
                 route_style = Style(0xFF0000, 3, "-"),
                 intersection_style::Style = Style(0x000000, 3, "."),

The function, plotMap(), has a single required input: nodes. However, providing plotMap() with only the list of nodes will result in an empty plot. The user then has the choice between a variety of plotting options. It is important to note that this function is designed for convenience rather than speed. It is highly recommended that a Bounds object is input, as this is used to provided plot scaling.

The following subsecions step through some of the plotting options. Essentially, the user builds up a series of “layers” through providing multiple inputs.

Data Inputs

These parameters provided the actual data to be plotted.

  • nodes [Dict{Int,LLA} or Dict{Int,ENU}]: List of all point locations
  • features [Dict{Int,Feature}]: List of features to display
  • buildings [Dict{Int,Building}]: List of buildings to display
  • highways [Dict{Int,Highway}]: List of highways to display
  • intersections [Dict{Int,Intersection}]: List of highway intersections
  • route [Vector{Int} or Vector{Vector{Int}}]: List of nodes comprising a highway route OR a list of lists of routes (if multiple routes are to be displayed).

Data Classifiers

These parameters classify the map elements according to a layer specification. When these parameters are passed to plotMap(), only the classified map elements are plotted (all map elements not in these dictionaries are ignored).

  • roadways: Dictionary of highway types suitable for driving
  • cycleways: Dictionary of highway types suitable for cycling
  • walkways: Dictionary of highway types suitable for walking
  • building_classes: Dictionary of building classifications
  • feature_classes: Dictionary of feature classifications

Note 1: These layers use their own Layer dictionaries, containing one Style type for each element classification level, to define plotting styles. Therefore, any additional style inputs related to these classifiers will be ignored without any explicit warnings to the user.

Note 2: Using multiple highway classifiers on one plot may cause them to overlap and occlude one another. The ordering, from bottom to top, is roadways, cycleways, walkways.

Plot Display Options

  • bounds [Bounds]: X and Y axes limits of plot, also used to compute appropriate plot aspect ratio
  • width [Integer]: Width of the plot, in pixels
  • fontsize [Integer]: Fontsize of axes labels. If 0, let Winston decide (default). Use this if you need consistency amongst many plots.
  • km [Bool]: If nodes is in ENU coordinates, converts plot axes to use kilometers rather than meters
  • realtime [Bool]: When true, elements are added to the map individually (this drastically slows down plotting, but is fun to watch)

Plot Customization

The following optional inputs allow the user to customize the map display.

  • highway_style [Style or Dict{Int,Style}]: See note 3 below.
  • building_style [Style]: See note 3 below.
  • feature_style [Style or Dict{Int,Style}]: See note 3 below.
  • route_style [Style or Vector{Style}]: Use an vector of Style types to plot multiple routes with different appearances.
  • intersection_style [Style]

These inputs all take a Style type, which is constructed as follows:

style = OpenStreetMap.Style(color, width, spec)

For example:

highway_style = OpenStreetMap.Style("b", 1.5, "-")
feature_style = OpenStreetMap.Style(0xf57900, 2, ".")

Note 1: color must be a hex color code.

Note 2: spec is a line specification code used by Winston.jl. Common examples are the following:

  • "-": Solid line
  • ".": Filled, square points
  • "o": Open, round points

Note 3: For highways, buildings, and features, if an additional classifier is input (e.g., roadways), the respective style input must be a dictionary of styles, with type Dict{Int,Style}, with a style given for each classification. This dictionary is called a “layer” in OpenStreetMap terminology, and defines how a specific map layer is displayed. The default layers are defined as constants in layers.jl.

Saving Map Images

plotMap() returns the Winston.FramedPlot object. This allows the user to futher modify the plot or save it using the file function available from Winston.jl with the desired aspect ratio.

Example of saving a plot as an image in png, eps, and pdf formats:

p = plotMap(nodes,bounds=bounds,highways=highways)
width = 500
xrange = bounds.max_lon - bounds.min_lon
yrange = bounds.max_lat - bounds.min_lat
aspect_ratio = xrange / yrange
height = int(width / aspect_ratio)